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about: general information


Child Safety Information

In accordance with the Consumer Product Safety Standards (2010), mandatory safety requirements apply to any corded window covering: If cords are lower than 1600mm from the floor they must be sufficiently secured or tensioned to the wall or other structure. If a cleat is used for a roman or venetian blind, it must be 1600mm from the floor to prevent a child from being able to remove the cord.

Regulations apply to cords that have a potential to form a loop, which can be a looped or single corded blind. Alternatively we can shorten the loops to comply. Warning tags supplied must be left and cannot be removed. Please be aware never to place furniture or anything a child could climb on where they could potentially reach cords. For more information, please visit:

There are three different devices you can select as cord tensioning devices:

Alternative considerations

Motorisation is becoming a standard with window furnishing installations in modern homes. They can come as hand held devices, wall switches or operated by sensors and/or building management systems. See Motorisation page for more information.